Translation | Notarization | Embassy Authentication
** Only available within KOREA **
For certain formalities such as school admission, visa extension etc,
you will need to get the documents translated into Korean or other languages.
Also, we also provide notarization and embassy authentication services as package
so you don't need to spend time and energy.
Translation fee min ₩15,000 ~ / page
** The price might vary depending on the type of documents, number of words, & languages.
To calculate the exact amount,
please prepare a scanned copy of the document
that needs to be translated in advance.
Korean or English -> Chinese
Chinese -> Korean or English
** the price might vary depending on the type of
documents, number of words, & languages.
Korean -> English
English -> Korean
** the price might vary depending on the type of
documents, number of words, & languages.
Korean or English -> Other languages
Other languages -> Korean or English
** the price might vary depending on the type of
documents, number of words, & languages.
Notarization fee min ₩50,000 ~ / page
** the price might vary depending on the type of documents, number of words, & languages.
The official licensed professionals will verify and notarize
the translated documents.
Notarization for the translated documents
Procedures for issuing a notarized certificate of verification per case after translating a document in multiple languages into English.
Notarization is to issue a certificate against the translated documents which are confirmed by the translator that the translation is true and correct.
Fact Confirmation by solicitors
Procedures for verify that the document is true.
Notarization for the certified true copy
When you need to submit an original certificate to
multiple institutions but you have only 1 original document,
the notarization for the certified true copy would be required against the photocopied.
Embassy Athentication
Services fee min ₩70,000 ~ / document
(actual costs for the Embassy excluded)
** the price might vary depending on the type of documents, number of words, & languages.
Translation Verification
** the price might vary depending on the type of
documents, number of words, & languages.
Original & Photocopied Certification
** the price might vary depending on the type of
documents, number of words, & languages.
Fact Confirmation
** the price might vary depending on the type of
documents, number of words, & languages.