Entrance procedure
Symptomatic travelers
All travelers entering Korea (both Korean and foreign nationals) are tested if they exhibit fever or respiratory symptom identified at entry screening. Travelers who test positive for COVID-19 are transferred to a hospital or residential treatment center. Korean nationals or foreign nationals on long-term visas who test negative are placed under self-quarantine (14 days, Self-Quarantine Safety Protection App to be installed) and foreign nationals on short-term visas are placed under quarantine at facilities (14 days, Self-Diagnosis App to be installed).

Asymptomatic travelers
Asymptomatic Korean and foreign nationals from Europe and the U.S. on long-term visas are subject to self-quarantine (14 days, Self-Quarantine Safety Protection App to be installed) and tested at a public health center within three days of arrival. Asymptomatic Korean nationals and foreign nationals on long-term visas from countries other than the U.S. and European countries are subject to self-quarantine (14 days, Self-Quarantine Safety Protection App to be installed) and tested at a public health center within 14 days.
Asymptomatic foreign nationals from Europe and the US on short-term visas are subject to facility quarantine (14 days, Self-Quarantine Safety Protection App and Self-Diagnosis App to be installed). Asymptomatic foreign nationals from countries other than the US and European countries on short-term visas are subject to facility quarantine (14 days, Self-Diagnosis App to be installed) and tested at a public health clinic within 14 days.
Travelers exempt from quarantine—those holding A1 (Diplomat) or A2 (Government official) visas or Quarantine Exemption Certificate issued by the Korean Embassy or Consulate General prior to the entry—receive tests and wait for the results at a temporary screening facility. If they test negative, they are subject to active monitoring for 14 days from the day of arrival by installing the Self-Diagnosis App of the Ministry of Health and Welfare
For inbound travelers, testing and treatment expenses are covered by the Korean government but livelihood support are not provided.
If a traveler entering Korea does not comply with the quarantine guidelines, s/he may face up to 1 year of imprisonment or a KRW 10 million fine for violating the Quarantine Act and Infectious Disease Control and Prevention Act. In accordance with the Immigration Act, foreign nationals violating the regulations may face deportation or ban on entry into Korea, etc. ※ Travelers will receive assistance to install either the Self-Quarantine Safety Protection App or Self-Diagnosis App before departure or while waiting for Special Entry Procedures.

Source: http://ncov.mohw.go.kr/en/baroView.do?brdId=11&brdGubun=111